FAQ für Coppermine
Photo Gallery v1.4.x
Quellenangabe und Copyright unter Coppermine Dokumentation
Mit tausenden von Benutzern ist es keine Überraschung, dass viele gleiche Fragen in den Supportforen der Coppermine Fotogalerie gestellt werden. Um die Hilfe bei Eurer Websiteentwicklung zu erleichtern haben wir diese grundsätzlichen FAQ hier hinzugefügt. Bitte schaut erst diese FAQ durch, bevor ihr Eure Fragen im Forum stellt.
GD ist eine graphical library, die es PHP ermöglicht Bilder zu bearbeiten. Wenn Du Deinen eigenen Webserver betreibst, dann kannst Du GD unter www.boutell.com/gd/ runterladen. Unter L(Unix) Systemen könnte es nötig sein, abhängig von der Apache Version, PHP neu zu kompilieren. Die meisten neusten PHP Versionen bringen GD direkt mit. Auf den meisten Windows Systemen kann GD direkt in der php.ini aktiviert werden. Wenn Du von einem Webhoster abhängig bist, dann überprüfe, ob GD/GD2 Unterstützung für Deine Seite zur Verfügung steht. Sollte das nicht der Fall sein, frage deinen Webhoster, ob Du es haben kannst oder Suche Dir einen Neuen. GD/GD2 sind meistens ein Standardfeature bei den meisten Webhostern.
ImageMagick ist eine andere graphical library wie GD/GD2 für die Bildbearbeitung. Solltest Du einen eigenen Webserver laufen haben, dann kannst Du es unter imagemagick.org runterladen. Dort sind Sources für Unix, Linux, Mac and Windows erhältlich, sowie binary packeges für verschiedene Server Betriebssysteme. Wenn man bei einem Webhoster ist, dann kann man ImageMagick nicht selbst installieren.
Wenn Du Coppermine noch nicht installiert hast, dann erstelle eine leere Datai mit dem Namen "info.php". Schreibe den folgenden Code hinein: <?php phpinfo(); ?>. Speichere die Datei und lade sie auf Deinen Server hoch; anschließend rufe die Datei in deinem Browser auf. (z.B. http://www.deinedomain.de/info.php). In der ersten Zeile ist die PHP Version zu finden "PHP Version X.Y.Z"
Bitte beachte: die info.php Datei auf Deinem Websever kann ein Sicherheitsrisiko sein; am besten nach Gebrauch läschen in ein Passwort geschütztes Verzeichnis verschieben!
Wenn Du bereits Coppermine installiert hast, dann findest Du eine phpinfo Datei (phpinfo.php) in den Coppermine Ordnern. Log Dich in Dein Coppermine Setup als Admin ein und tippe folgende URL in Deinen browser ein: http://deineadresse.tld/dein_coppermine_ordner/phpinfo.php .
Wenn Du Coppermine noch nicht installiert hast, dann erstelle eine leere Datai mit dem Namen "info.php". Schreibe den folgenden Code hinein: <?php phpinfo(); ?>. Speichere die Datei und lade sie auf Deinen Server hoch; anschließend rufe die Datei in deinem Browser auf. (z.B. http://www.deinedomain.de/info.php). Suche nach einer Tabelle wie dieser:
GD Support | enabled |
GD Version | 1.6.2 or higher |
FreeType Support | enabled |
FreeType Linkage | with TTF library |
JPG Support | enabled |
PNG Support | enabled |
WBMP Support | enabled |
GD2 ist eine aktualisierte Version von GD1 und als solche werden Bilder mit einer besseren Qualität erzeugt (Zwischenbilder und Thumbnails).
Hier ist ein Beispiel, genommen von w-nailer: about resizing (Original Bildgröße: 1024 x 768 Pixel): |
![]() |
![]() |
GD 1.8.4: ImageCreate ImageCopyResized 128 x 96 pixels |
GD 2.0.1: ImageCreateTrueColor ImageCopyResampled 128 x 96 pixels |
Wie in der Coppermine readme Datei genannt:
Du kannst nur ImageMagic oder GD installieren, wenn Du Deinen eigenen Server laufen lässt oder Du hast shell Zugriff auf Deinen Webserver. Wenn Deine Seite bei einem Webhoster liegt, dann kann st Du nur Kontakt zu ihm aufnehmen und fragen, ob er die Erweiterungen für Dich installiert. Sollte das nicht klappen, dann wähle einen anderen Anbieter.
DAs ist natürlich ein Widerspruch in sich: Eine Galerie laufen zu haben bedeutet normalerweise, dass außreichend Speicherplatz für Bilder vorhanden sein muss, aber wenn Du auf dem geringen Speicherplatz, der Dir noch übrig bleibt, nur ein paar wenige Bilder veröffentlichen möchtest, dann gibt es schon ein paar Dateien, die Du (falls nicht benötigt) nicht dochzuladen brauchst oder löschen kannst. Es ist trotzdem empfehlenswert, dass nur erfahrende Benutzer eine Minimuminstallation erstellen. Bei Zweifel besser eine Komplettinstallation machen!
Bei der Upload Fehlersuche in CPG 1.4 ist es empfohlen die Upload Einstellungen in der Gruppenkonsole auf 'nur Einzel upload' einzustellen und den Debug Modus in der Konfigurationskonsole zu aktivieren. Das Ändern dieser Einstellungen schaltet die Fehlermaskierung beim Multiplen Upload ab. Das erlaubt Dir einen Zugrif auf detailliertere Fehlermeldungen.
Für diejenigen, die rot geschriebene Absätze überfliegen: wir versuchen, damit nur Deine Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen:
Anmerkung: HTTP uploads sind limitiert durch Einschränkungen in der PHP Konfiguration.
Der am häufigsten vorkommende Fehler bei Settings ist eine open_basedir Warnung. In dieser Situation hat Dein Serveradministrator die Dateien eingeschränkt mit denen PHP arbeiten kann in einem bestimmten Verzeichnis. Wenn er kein temporäres Verzeichnis mit den open_basedir Einschränkungen erzeugt und spezifiziert hat, dann wird PHP versuchen das temporäre Verzeichnis des Betriebssystems zu nutzen und dies wird durch die open_basedir Beschränkungen abgewiesen.
Einige Anmerkungen über die verschiedenen Arten der Upload-Möglichkeiten in CPC1.3 (oder neuer):
Mehrfache (multiple) HTTP uploads wurden entwickelt um eine geringe Anzahl von Dateien zu bewältigen, und habe ein Limit von maximal 10 Dateien auf einmal. Deshalb ist diese Methode unpassend zum Uploaden von großen Dateimengen außer Du hast Deinen eigenen Webserver am laufen und hast volle Kontrolle über die Einstellungen der php.ini. Wenn Du versuchen willst mehr als 15 oder 20 Dateien gleichzeitig hoch zu laden, solltest Du erwägen statt dessen den "Batch hinzufügen" Prozess oder das XP Publisher Utilitie zu nutzen. Beides hat Vor und Nachteile.
Der Batch hinzufügen-Prozess ist schnell, aber er erzeugt eine ganze Menge Last auf dem Server und als Resultat dessen kann es vorkommen, dass der Upload unvollständig abbricht. Andererseits der XP Publisher beträchtlich langsamer, aber er begrenzt die Last auf dem Server. Dies umgeht außerdem einige der Fallstricke, welche durch die Limits in der php.ini hervorgerufen werden, durch das Hochladen jeder einzelnen Datei im Batch als jeweils einzelne post Anfrage.
Dieser Fehler bedeutet, dass die Version von PHP welche auf Deinem Server installiert ist die GD1/GD2 image library (Bilder Bibliothek) nicht unterstützt.
Wenn du weißt ,dass die ImageMagick Suite auf deinem Server installiert ist, könntest Du versuchen diese statt dessen zu nutzen.
Ansonsten musst Du Dir einen anderen Webhost suchen oder Deinen vorhanden überzeugen GD1/GD2 zu installieren (die GD image library ist jetzt eine Standardkomponente von PHP und sollte deshalb normalerweise installiert sein) Coppermine wird nicht laufen ohne GD oder Image Magick.
Das Script muss die Rechte haben zu Erzeugen und Löschen von Dateien.
Editiere die Datei include/search.inc.php
Suche nach der Zeile mit:
$charset = $CONFIG['charset'] == 'language file' ? $lang_charset : $CONFIG['charset'];
Ersetze dies mit:
$charset = $CONFIG['charset'] == 'language file' ? $GLOBALS['lang_charset'] : $CONFIG['charset'];
In seltenen Fällen erhalten einige Nutzer diese Fehlermeldung während der Installation:
While trying to retrieve the URL: http://yoursite.com/coppermine/install.php
The system returned:
Zero Sized Reply
The remote server did not reply any data for this request.
Please try again later
Leider wissen wir nicht was dies auslöst - Diejenigen Benutzer, die diesen Fehler erhalten, können Coppermine nicht nutzen (tut uns leid). Das Ausschalten oder Entfernen der HTTP Filterung auf der Firewall hilft vielleicht (client und/oder serverseitig). Solltest Du eine Idee haben was diesen Fehler auslöst (und möglicherweise eine Lösung dazu), bitte besuche das Coppermine Support Forum und erleuchte uns.
Versuche die Datei include/init.inc.php zu editieren:
Du solltest den administrator Deines webhosts kontaktieren, weil Du gewöhnlich den Ort des temporären Verzeichnisses der Webseite nicht selbst ändern kannst, welches für Dateiuploads genutzt wird. (Es ist ein Teil der PHP-Konfiguration).
Wenn Du selbst darauf Einfluss hast, in den open basedir restriction deiner Seite ist das Temp- Verzeichnis für den Dateiupload eingestellt, es sollte eins sein auf das Du Zugriff hast.
Prüfe ob deine Version von PHP die Minimalen
Anforderungenfür Coppermine vollständig erfüllt. Wenn deine Version 4.1.0 oder neuer ist , dann ist dieser Feherl vermutlich durch eine Misskonfiguration des Webservers entstanden und kein Coppermine Fehler. Wenn Du den Server nicht selbst richtig konfigurieren kannst, das ist so wenn Du den Server eines Webhost nutzt, dann kannst Du diese Fehlerumgehung versuchen (auf Dein eigenes Risiko):
Editiere die Datei "init.inc.php" und suche nach
Das Problem:
MySQL kann keine temporäre Datei für das Result Set im entsprechenden temporären Verzeichnis erzeugen.
Die Lösung:
Ändere die tempdir-Variable so dass sie auf ein beschreibbares Verzeichnis zeigt. Das erfordert die Änderung der Zeile tmpdir line in der Datei my.cnf, gewöhnlich in der [mysqld] Sektion (tmpdir = /writable/dir, wobei /writable/dir ein Verzeichnis ist in welches Du schreiben kannst).
Bitte Deinen Webhoster, dass er diese Änderungen macht.
Das Problem:
Deine Datenbank ist kaputt.
Die Lösung:
Das ist kein Coppermine-Fehler, sondern ein mySQL Fehler. Das kann aber vielleicht die Datenbanktabelle beeinflussen, die Coppermine benutzt.
Benutze Dein Webseiten Kontroll-Panel zum Reparieren der Datenbank, oder nutze phpMyAdmin zum ausführen der SQL-Abfrage : REPAIR TABLE yourPrefix_tableName
(Ersetze yourPrefix_tableName mit deinem tatsächliche Tabellenname z.B. cpg145_pictures)
Wenn Du die Lösung nicht verstehst bitte Deinen Webhoster damit er die Änderungen für Dich macht.
Coppermine supports the following bbCodes (the same bbCodes that are used by phpBB) in image and album description:
code | output |
[b]bold text[/b] |
bold text |
[i]italic[/i] |
italic |
[url=http://www.foo.com/bar.html]URL text[/url] |
URL text |
[email]user@domain.tld[/email] |
user@domain.tld |
You mustn't remove the line - it's part of the deal: you're allowed to use and modify Coppermine on your site, but this line must remain! We feel strongly that it is more than a justified demand to give credit where credit is due. We hope that you will agree with us and just be glad that such a great piece of software is available for use at NO COST, with no banner ads or embedded spyware, to you.
You are allowed to change the way the line looks by editing the CSS class to make it fit into the design of your site; edit
/themes/yourtheme/style.css, look for the class "Footer" and change the settings there as you wish.
Note: PLEASE don't ask idiotic questions on how to remove this line in the Coppermine Photo Gallery Support Board - your posting will be deleted!
As Coppermine is based on OpenSource software published under GNU/GPL (which allows the modification of the code, but disallows changes of the license model of your modifications), you can not purchase a version of coppermine with or without the credit line removed. Read the file COPYING that comes with the distribution of Coppermine for details.
Just remove the link; edit /themes/yourtheme/theme.php, look for the feature you want to remove and comment out the HTML code.
Example: if you want to remove the ecard-feature, just look for
<td align="center" valign="middle" class="navmenu" width="48">and replace it with
<a href="{ECARD_TGT}" title="{ECARD_TITLE}">
<img src="images/ecard.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="{ECARD_TITLE}"></a>
<!--<td align="center" valign="middle" class="navmenu" width="48">
<a href="{ECARD_TGT}" title="{ECARD_TITLE}">
<img src="images/ecard.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" align="absmiddle" alt="{ECARD_TITLE}"></a>
There are these files to look for:
echo <<<EOT
Enter your header/footer content here. What you enter here will be displayed
at the top of my page if it is a header and at the bottom of my page if it is a footer.
Name them myheader.php and myfooter.php, or any other original name that doesn't already exist in the cpg folder and save them into the Coppermine root folder. Then while in Admin mode, click on the CONFIG tab, scroll to Themes settings and enter the name of your header and footer files in the appropriate include fields at the bottom of this section. (NOTE: You will still need to edit the template.html file of your theme to remove any unwanted logos and entries above the menu sections.)
(Assuming that you have already created at least one category and/or one album where the uploaded photos should go to):
Currently, there are no built-in backup solutions for coppermine available, yet. To backup your directory/file structure, you must use
the good old ftp method and a tool like phpMyAdmin to backup your database (Many webhosts that offer mySQL also offer a pre-installed version of phpMyAdmin - if so, use that!). PhpMyAdmin is easy to install: just download the distribution, unzip it to your harddrive, edit one config file and upload it to your server. (NOTE: Some webhosts offer backup services. You should check if this service is available to you, first.)
Here's a quick "how to backup a database with phpMyAdmin" primer:
If you are certain that your original file is larger in dimensions than the settings you selected for intermediate sized pictures, there's a good chance that you over-edited your theme's template/html file: make sure that the line <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts.js"></script> inside /themes/yourtheme/template.html is still there to make the pop-up window work...
The <head>-part of your template file should look like this:
<head> <title>{TITLE}</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset={CHARSET}" /> {META} <link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/default/style.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts.js"></script> </head>- If you're still unsure about this, just compare your theme's template.html with the default theme that comes with coppermine .
Edit displayimage.php and add
if (!USER_ID) cpg_die(ERROR, 'You need to register to access this page', __FILE__, __LINE__);
just before
/************************************************************************** * Local functions definition **************************************************************************/
IF your webhost supports the use of .htaccess files (you will need to ask them), you can prevent "hotlinking" by creating an .htaccess file in the albums folder.
Open your text editor and add the following lines, then save the file as .htaccess :
SetEnvIfNoCase Referer "^http://www.yourdomian.com/" locally_linked=1 SetEnvIfNoCase Referer "^http://yourdomain.com/" locally_linked=1 SetEnvIf Referer "^$" locally_linked=1 <FilesMatch "\.(gif|png|jpe?g)$"> Order Allow,Deny Allow from env=locally_linked </FilesMatch>This will only work on linux/unix and apache servers AND only if you're allowed to use /htaccess files by your webhost or if you run your own server and "mod_rewrite" is enabled on your server .
"Character encoding" is probably set (or has been set sometime ago) to UTF-8 on your config page.
When UTF-8 is selected, Coppermine chooses your language file based on your browser configuration and stores the value in a cookie. This overrides the value stored in the CONFIG.
To fix that:
If you experience the error message: No picture was uploaded. If you have really selected a picture to upload, check that the server allows file uploads..., check if there's a problem with HTTP uploads on your server - this feature may have been disabled or improperly configured. In phpinfo(), check that "file_uploads" is ON, "upload_max_filesize" is something like 2M and "upload_tmp_dir" is a valid directory!
If you can't delete a file or picture with your FTP software, it is not Coppermine that won't allow you to delete the picture; it is your FTP server. The problem is in the configuration of your server. Try to delete your picture from within the script.
If PHP on your server is running under user "nobody," then all files created by any PHP script (this is not specific to Coppermine) will be owned by "nobody". There is no way to change that.
IMPORTANT: 0777 (CHMOD 777) should not be the default mode for directories because it may present a security risk, if your gallery is running on a shared server and PHP safe mode is not enabled, anyone with an account on the same server could possibly delete your pictures. There have been several threads on this issue on the Menalto Gallery forum and several users have seen their gallery hacked and destoyed because of this. This issue is not specific to Photo galleries, it applies to all PHP scripts that create directories. As long as someone has write access to a directory, s/he could conceiveably delete any file it contains, even if that person doesn't have write access to the file itself. On the webhost this site is running on, everything works fine when directory are created with mode 755 and all files/dir created by PHP are owned by the chezgreg user which is the user I use when connecting by FTP. Also if one of the file/directory on my site has a mode of 777, the server will shutdown my site and send me an email warning me that this is unsafe. |
The max. size of uploadable pics and/or files is limited by various settings - to find out why you can't upload big picks, check the following:
This is most likely a cookie issue:
By default the albums appear in the order they were created. If you want to adjust the sorting order, do the following:
Why would you want to do that? Deleting the intermediate pics would disable many of the great features that make coppermine what is today. The option to send ecards, to add comments to pics, to rate pics, to display exif information, just to name a few. If you really want to save space, opt to delete your original files using the Admin Tools menu option. Doing this will allow your users to enjoy all of coppermine's features with the exception of viewing full-sized images. In the end, it will probably save you more space as well. Just be sure to set your intermediate sized picture settings in CONFIG to a size that you can live with.
If you really must remove the intermediate sized pics, search the mods and hacks board in the coppermine forum to learn how.
The Album Keyword in Album Properties is used to link images from one album into another. Using this method, files/images can be displayed in various albums while the file itself need only exists in one album on your webserver. You simply upload a file to one album as you would normally do, then assign one or more keywords to the file. The keyword function reads blank spaces between words as a 'break' and assumes that these words are separate words. If you must use phrases for your keywords, connect them with an underscore or by using the ascii space holder ctrl+Alt+0160 (NOTE: the latter option only works with latin based character sets.) Each album can only have ONE (1) keyword or keyword phrase. All pictures residing in different albums that you would like to be displayed in this album must have the same keyword or keyword phrase in their respective keyword fields. Pictures, unlike albums, can have multiple keywords or keyword phrases separated by spaces. This provides you with the option to display pictures in many albums. For the visitor of these albums, it will appear as if the file/image had been uploaded to each.
If you use album keywords to display images/files in more than one album, enabling the Config option, Show number of linked files, will display additional information for the album stats. That is, if an album doesn't only contain "regular" files, but files linked via the "album keyword" option as well, the number of linked files will be displayed separately like this "3 files, last one added on Oct 07, 2004, 3 linked files, 6 files total".
By default, the pics are shown alphabetically when you edit them. To change the sorting order to "by date", edit editpics.php and change
$sql = "SELECT p.*,a.category FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} as p ". "INNER JOIN {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} as a ". "ON a.aid=p.aid ". "WHERE p.aid = '$album_id' ". "ORDER BY p.filename LIMIT $start, $count"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql);
$sql = "SELECT p.*,a.category FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} as p ". "INNER JOIN {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} as a ". "ON a.aid=p.aid ". "WHERE p.aid = '$album_id' ". "ORDER BY pid LIMIT $start, $count"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql);
When the template.html is read, it is split in 2. What is before the {GALLERY} tag is output by the pageheader function, what is after by the pagefooter function.
If your menu is in the "footer" you need to modify your theme.php file
$template_vars = array( '{LANG_DIR}' => $lang_text_dir, '{TITLE}' => $CONFIG['gallery_name'].' - '.$section, '{CHARSET}' => $CONFIG['charset'] == 'language file' ? $lang_charset : $CONFIG['charset'], '{META}' => $meta, '{GAL_NAME}' => $CONFIG['gallery_name'], '{GAL_DESCRIPTION}' => $CONFIG['gallery_description'], '{MAIN_MENU}' => theme_main_menu(), '{ADMIN_MENU}' => theme_admin_mode_menu() ); echo template_eval($template_header, $template_vars);will become
$template_vars = array( '{LANG_DIR}' => $lang_text_dir, '{TITLE}' => $CONFIG['gallery_name'].' - '.$section, '{CHARSET}' => $CONFIG['charset'] == 'language file' ? $lang_charset : $CONFIG['charset'], '{META}' => $meta, '{GAL_NAME}' => $CONFIG['gallery_name'], '{GAL_DESCRIPTION}' => $CONFIG['gallery_description'], ); echo template_eval($template_header, $template_vars);and
$template_vars = array( '{MAIN_MENU}' => theme_main_menu(), '{ADMIN_MENU}' => theme_admin_mode_menu() ); echo template_eval($template_footer, $template_vars);
and search for
pageheader($lang_login_php['login'],"<META http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"3;url=$referer\">");
and add before it
$referer = 'index.php?cat='.(FIRST_USER_CAT+$USER_DATA['user_id']);
In Config, when "Allow unlogged users (guest or anonymous) access" is set to "No", unlogged users (i.e. guests or anonymous users) can not access anything in your gallery except the login screen (and the registration screen, if you allow registrations). Completely disabling anonymous access will probably decrease your site's popularity. Use this option only if you need your gallery to be absolutely private. The recommended setting is to leave anonymous access enabled and use the more specific permissions by groups and albums settings instead.
Warning: this is quite a complicated hack for a newbie to perform! Make sure to back up your original files before attempting this.
Edit displayimage.php and search for:
$info[$lang_picinfo['Filename']] = htmlspecialchars($CURRENT_PIC_DATA['filename']);
add after it:
$info[$lang_picinfo['Username']] = htmlspecialchars($CURRENT_PIC_DATA['user_name']);.
Then open /include/functions.inc.php and search for following in function get_pic_data():
if($select_columns != '*') $select_columns .= ', title, caption';
and replace it with:
if($select_columns != '*') $select_columns .= ', title, caption, user_name';.
After that search for:
$result = cpg_db_query("SELECT $select_columns from {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} WHERE aid='$album' $approved $ALBUM_SET ORDER BY $sort_order $limit");
and replace it with:
$result = cpg_db_query("SELECT $select_columns from {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} AS p LEFT JOIN {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERS']} AS u ON u.user_id = p.owner_id WHERE p.aid='$album' $approved $ALBUM_SET ORDER BY $sort_order $limit");
Then you have to add the language string for the username. Open /lang/yourlang.php and search for:
$lang_picinfo = array(
and add after that:
'Username' => 'Username',
Also you need to execute this query in MySQL (with a tool like phpMyAdmin):
ALTER TABLE `cpg11d_pictures` ADD INDEX ( `owner_id` );
(NOTE: If your database table_prefix is not "cpg11d_", you will need to change it in the query)
Edit displayimage.php and change
$info[$CONFIG['user_field'.$i.'_name']] = make_clickable($CURRENT_PIC_DATA['user'.$i]);
$info[$CONFIG['user_field'.$i.'_name']] = bb_decode($CURRENT_PIC_DATA['user'.$i]);
This will allow you to use BBCodes in the custom fields: you can then have something like
[url=http://www.somesite.com/foo/bar.php?whatever=42]link to some site![/url]
in your custom user fields (the display of which, of course, has to be enabled in the config page, begin with).
$sort_array = array('na' => 'filename ASC', 'nd' => 'filename DESC', 'da' => 'pid ASC', 'dd' => 'pid DESC');to
$sort_array = array( 'na' => 'filename ASC', 'nd' => 'filename DESC', 'da' => 'pid ASC', 'dd' => 'pid DESC', 'f1a' => 'user1 ASC', 'f1d' => 'user1 DESC', 'f2a' => 'user2 ASC', 'f2d' => 'user2 DESC', 'f3a' => 'user3 ASC', 'f3d' => 'user3 DESC', 'f4a' => 'user1 ASC', 'f4d' => 'user1 DESC' );
// The sort order options are not available for meta albums if ($sort_options){ $param = array( '{ALBUM_NAME}' => $album_name, '{AID}' => $aid, '{PAGE}' => $page, '{NAME}' => $lang_thumb_view['name'], '{DATE}' => $lang_thumb_view['date'], '{SORT_NA}' => $lang_thumb_view['sort_na'], '{SORT_ND}' => $lang_thumb_view['sort_nd'], '{SORT_DA}' => $lang_thumb_view['sort_da'], '{SORT_DD}' => $lang_thumb_view['sort_dd'], );
// The sort order options are not available for meta albums if ($sort_options){ $param = array( '{ALBUM_NAME}' => $album_name, '{AID}' => $aid, '{PAGE}' => $page, '{NAME}' => $lang_thumb_view['name'], '{DATE}' => $lang_thumb_view['date'], '{SORT_NA}' => $lang_thumb_view['sort_na'], '{SORT_ND}' => $lang_thumb_view['sort_nd'], '{SORT_DA}' => $lang_thumb_view['sort_da'], '{SORT_DD}' => $lang_thumb_view['sort_dd'], // Exxodus Sorting '{FIELD1}' => $CONFIG['user_field1_name'], '{FIELD2}' => $CONFIG['user_field2_name'], '{FIELD3}' => $CONFIG['user_field3_name'], '{FIELD4}' => $CONFIG['user_field4_name'], // Exxodus Sorting );
// HTML template for title row of the thumbnail view (album title + sort options) // Exxodus (Adding Sorting by UserField) $template_thumb_view_title_row = <<<EOT <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="100%" class="statlink"><h2>{ALBUM_NAME}</h2></td> <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1"></td> <td class="sortorder_cell"> <table height="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td class="sortorder_options">{NAME}</td> <td class="sortorder_options"><span class="statlink"> <a href="thumbnails.php?album={AID}&page={PAGE}&sort=na" title="{SORT_NA}">&+&</a>/</span></td> <td class="sortorder_options"><span class="statlink"> <a href="thumbnails.php?album={AID}&page={PAGE}&sort=nd" title="{SORT_ND}">&-&</a></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="sortorder_options">{DATE}</td> <td class="sortorder_options"><span class="statlink"> <a href="thumbnails.php?album={AID}&page={PAGE}&sort=da" title="{SORT_DA}">&+&</a>/</span></td> <td class="sortorder_options"><span class="statlink"> <a href="thumbnails.php?album={AID}&page={PAGE}&sort=dd" title="{SORT_DD}">&-&</a></span></td> </tr> </table> </td> <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="10"></td> <td class="sortorder_cell"> <table height="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td class="sortorder_options">{FIELD1}</td> <td class="sortorder_options"><span class="statlink"> <a href="thumbnails.php?album={AID}&page={PAGE}&sort=f1a">&+&</a>/</span></td> <td class="sortorder_options"><span class="statlink"> <a href="thumbnails.php?album={AID}&page={PAGE}&sort=f1d">&-&</a></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="sortorder_options">{FIELD2}</td> <td class="sortorder_options"><span class="statlink"> <a href="thumbnails.php?album={AID}&page={PAGE}&sort=f2a">&+&</a>/</span></td> <td class="sortorder_options"><span class="statlink"> <a href="thumbnails.php?album={AID}&page={PAGE}&sort=f2d">&-&</a></span></td> </tr> </table> </td> <td><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="10"></td> <td class="sortorder_cell"> <table height="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td class="sortorder_options">{FIELD3}</td> <td class="sortorder_options"><span class="statlink"> <a href="thumbnails.php?album={AID}&page={PAGE}&sort=f3a">&+&</a>/</span></td> <td class="sortorder_options"><span class="statlink"> <a href="thumbnails.php?album={AID}&page={PAGE}&sort=f3d">&-&</a></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="sortorder_options">{FIELD4}</td> <td class="sortorder_options"><span class="statlink"> <a href="thumbnails.php?album={AID}&page={PAGE}&sort=f4a">&+&</a>/</span></td> <td class="sortorder_options"><span class="statlink"> <a href="thumbnails.php?album={AID}&page={PAGE}&sort=f4d">&-&</a></span></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> EOT;
Edit /includes/picmgmt.inc.php and search for
$imagesize = getimagesize($image);
replace this with:
$imagesize = getimagesize($image,&$info); $iptc = iptcparse($info["APP13"]); if (is_array($iptc)) { $caption.=$iptc['2#120'][0]; $title.=$iptc['2#105'][0]; (is_array($iptc['2#025'])) && ($keywords.=implode(" ", $iptc['2#025'])); }NOTE: This hack hasn't been thoroughly tested, use at your own risk...!
Edit /themes/yourtheme/theme.php, look for echo $template_footer and add the stuff you want to output in a line before it, like print '<span class="footer"><a href="http://www.mylink.com/foo.htm">My Link</a></span>';
There are a lot of people (especially PHP newbies) that post questions like I get the error "Parse error: parse error in XXX" and don't know what to do about it. That's why I translated this list of common errors (and a solution how to fix them) from the original german article in Dr. Web :
No, this is simply not the way coppermine works; for "normal" pages the name of the extension tells the webserver whether the file should be parsed by the PHP interpreter. The template files within the themes folder are not being parsed this way - the extension .html was just chosen to make editing easier. You can not have PHP code in the template file, no matter how you name it - that's all there is to it!
You can not completely prevent users from stealing your pics - that's the way the www works: if a picture is being displayed in the browser, the user already has a copy of it on his hard drive. There are however some methods to make it harder for newbie users to steal your pics:
GD 1.x 2.x are normally part of all standard PHP distributions under Windows
To check if you have it, go to the directory where you installed PHP, go to the "extensions" subdir and see if you have a file named "php_gd2.dll".
Ocassionally, you will also need to edit your php.ini file (located in windows directory normally) and remove the ";" that is at the beginning of the line:
extension=php_gd2.dll (at the end of the file). This will cause PHP to load the GD2 extension.
Whenever you make changes to php.ini, remember that you will need to restart your webserver before changes become effective.
ImageMagick it quite complicated to use under Windows
ImageMagick is quite complicated to set up on Windows. There are several things to be taken into account. The Coppermine support board is not the right place to ask for help on installing it, as it deals with Coppermine, not "How to set up a server" (most people on the Coppermine boards don't run their own webserver, but they have webspace by a webhost). Instead, try to find support boards on the internet that deal with this special topic.
No problem with that, everyone stars as a newbie. Just don't start each and every posting by stating "I'm a newbie", "I don't know anything about PHP" etc.
Usually, one can acertain that from your question itself. There's no need to apologize. Most of us can still remember when we were in your shoes.
The support board is not a hotline. Although there are many visitors to the site, only a few do actually support - on a unpaid, voluntary basis. Yes, we don't receive remuneratio for our contributions and we each have a life, a job, family and more. We are away sometimes, as well. So, please, be patient, read the docs and search the boards while you are waiting.
If you don't get an answer to your question:
If you have a question, make sure you provide as much information as possible:
If you are posting in the English support boards, pPlease do not post in some other language - in this way, others may benefit from your question (and the answers you receive ), too. Don't be afraid to write "poor english" - no one will laugh at you, and most of our visitor's first language isn't english to begin with! There's a german support board available at http://forum.the-service.de/ - use it if you are more comfortable with German and you' not able to write in English!
We have language-specific support boards for Chinese and French.
No you mustn't! Post your question on the Coppermine support board (publicly) - if we (the community) don't find a solution and I have the time and I want to I'll email/pm/im you!
We are a group of people who decided to form a team to develop Coppermine further - check the team page for details...